Circe - Heading to Noosa

This is the first of two mats going to Australia for a matting couple in Noosa. "Circe", a 200/70 Ute built for Rachel Scarff. Rachel says she has named her mat "Circe" beacause:

I’ve always loved mythology, in particular Circe, and always find myself coming back to her. Thought it would suit as her legend is based around water. Her dad is the sun god and mother is a sea nymph. She also represents femininity in the stories about her in a way that’s scares men, so thought it would be funny to have a mat called that in a sport that’s fairly dominated by guys who don’t always give women respect or the time out in the ocean. It’s like if they were mean I’d just channel Circe (she’s a goddess of sorcery) and put a spell on them and turn them into a sea cucumber or something 😂😂
— Rachel Scraiff

Notice the mistake here?

That is perfect!!! I always love building mats for women. Unlike much of the mainstream surf media, mat surfing tends to break down the gender barriers and just welcomes mat surfers as mat surfers and we really do need more women to be surfing mats.

I asked Rachel about her matting experiences the journey into mat riding. She said:

“I’ve been living in Noosa for the last 7 years, originally from South Australia. Started out on a log, but downsized to an 8’2 V bottom made by local board shaper Ado (Maren surfboards), because I just want to trim and turn. I’m fairly new to the mat game. I started using my partners spare mat more seriously last year and have been enjoying it so much that I decided to get myself a custom mat for my size (I am very short haha!). My partner has been wanting to order a g-mat for a while now, so perfect timing!

I’ve found myself hardly surfing my board these days and only taking out the mat because I just love it so much - I can go out and even if I only get a few waves I have a blast, as opposed to taking the board out and not getting that same feeling.

Love riding the mat out at Tea Tree and always fun to mat with pals James T, Matt C and my partner Ben. Still a few other mat friends that I’m wanting to catch waves with….”
— Rachel Scraiff

That's such a familiar story. Mats get you like that!

So then, on to the tech bits. Circe is a 200/70 wheezer with free elastic rocker. Rachel has also gone with a Hestered valve. As with all customs this has been specifically scaled to meet Rachel's body size so will hopefully feel like a good fit.

Circe is on the way to Oz now along with her partner Ben's mat... but that's a story for another day.

Have fun Rachel! It's been a pleasure.



Nymphidius Sabinus - Stay Away from the Sewers!

G-Mat 196 Nymphidius Sabrinus AKA Mick Dundee Surfmat RB-JMC Andrew Stephen Buck ASB Surf Mat

So my run of mats for those who have supported me continues with a new mat for Andrew Stephen Buck. This is Nymphidius Sabinus (AKA Mick Dundee). She is a RB JMC built for Buck. The same model seen in that recent video that went crazy on Instagram!

For those who don't know, Andrew has a thing for animals... Or animal mats anyway, as you can see from the gallery at the bottom of this post. Nymphidius Sabinus is a Croc design. The facial features took some doing to get right! I have the mats a bucket dye job in Kelly Green too get the mottled effect of crocodile skin.

G-Mat 196 Nymphidius Sabrinus AKA Mick Dundee Surfmat RB-JMC Andrew Stephen Buck ASB Surf Mat
G-Mat 196 Nymphidius Sabrinus AKA Mick Dundee Surfmat RB-JMC Andrew Stephen Buck ASB Surf Mat
G-Mat 196 Nymphidius Sabrinus AKA Mick Dundee Surfmat RB-JMC Andrew Stephen Buck ASB Surf Mat

As you would expect, Nymphidius Sabinus has been made very light and very freely vented. The neg rocker also adds to the speed. She's on her way to Carpinteria to get stuck into some point waves.

Lets see how she goes down…



Bringing it in...

Hello there.

Moving forward the Raft G1 mats will come under the G-Mat label as the G-Mat RFT Series. This is to save on any confusion.

That makes the first run of Rafts pretty collectable then! If you have one, look after it! 😎

The next batch are being run through right now and will be in stores really soon!

Mat Pic (small).jpg


The Instagram account will keep going under the same tag. 
