I am constantly working on new surfmat designs and have been lucky to have shared ideas with great surfmat builders. To date, I have developed the models below. When I say models, I am talking about essential design characteristics. These are the basics of a custom surfmat. Your bespoke custom surf mat will we individually designed and completely tailored to you.
Like all surfcraft, different dimensions and materials make a huge difference to performance so it's worth taking your time to consider the strengths and weaknesses of each model and materials. Keep in mind that there is a good deal of overlap between surfmat models (see the slide guide at the bottom of the page) and one of the advantages of custom mats is that we can mix characteristics to suit your needs so please feel free to get in touch to chat things over.
The Ute is the perfect utility mat enjoying an extremely wide range of conditions. This surfmat has a very subtle rail hook and less concave than the RB-JMC, Rubber Bucky and Ubercat. The deck is flattened giving it a fuller, flatter, traditional mat feel and allowing a slick profile whilst maintaining volume.
The Ute offers a lot of down-the-line speed and holds in really well, favouring drawn out, arcing turns and sharper manouveres off the rail and performs very well in small to bigger surf. the Ute will get through flat spots without any trouble. The tree pontoon design allows for greater range in widening and narrowing the plan shape and the Ute loves low inflation.
In short, the Ute is possibly the perfect mat for the one-mat-quiver. As with all G-Mats, the Ute can be built as a free-breather (well vented to allow rapid air movement), super-free-breather or a restricted breather (AKA “whhezer”) to provide stability and handle chop more effectively.
200/70 or 70/70 configuration (200 or 70 denier deck and 70 denier bottom skin).
The Rubber Bucky - JMC (RB-JMC) was spawned from a developmental process working with 2 very talented mat surfers. Initially with Andrew Stephen Buck (see the Rubber Bucky) and latterly with Jamie McClellan. This mat takes the Rubber Bucky’s deep concave, heavy rail hooks and slightly wider beam to length aspect ratio and sucks everything in a touch to make a more compact mat. Just a little but just enough. The result is the fastest mat I have ever ridden.
The construction is always usually 70/70 with super-free-breather internal venting to give an extremely easy airflow. In addition this mat is almost always built with negative elastic rocker. It has slightly squarer back corners when compared to the nose which allow the tail to break free easily.
This mat gives the ultimate in glide, combined with a surprising amount of hold when in the right hands which technically makes this mat an all-rounder. the RB-JMC is definitely a mat for experienced mat surfers with a love of low inflation. For those people , the RB-JMC takes the Ute’s crown as the mat for all conditions.
G-Mat Chino Racer
The Chino Racer is an all-rounder that gives a very different feel to the Ute and RB-JMC. Having an additional central I-beam, the Chino racer does not have quite the same level of morphing potential as the 4 I-beam/3 pontoon mats and Being a 4 pontoon mat the it feels much flatter and squarer than 3 pontoon models which means it naturally surfs much flatter. As a result this is a very fun mat that leans towards drifting turns, reminiscent of some of the older mats such as Merrin, although it is definitely a more advanced ride.
Despite this drifting tendency the Chino racer holds a line well and has good down-the-line speed. In 200/70, the Chino Racer feels very stable, particularly with a more restricted internal venting set up. As a 70/70 the drifting nature of this design is maximised and this might be the favoured option for more experienced surfers who are looking to add this style of ride to their quiver.
Specialist Models
Apart from having possibly the funnest name to say out loud of all the G-Mat range (I bet you just tried it too) the free-breathing Rubber Bucky is a fantastic mat for small to medium sized waves.
Developed in partnership with Santa Barbara mat-meister, Andrew Stephen Buck, this mat emphasises traditional high speed mat surfing, quickly finding a plane and favouring controlled drifts and subtle rail control, whilst still holding well enough on steep walls to get your fins out of the water and let loose.
This three pontoon mat has the most volume in the G-Mat range and is a smidgen longer than the Ute giving a fuller feel. The I-beam positioning draws heavily from the Ubercat giving a deep concave and pronounced rail hook. The overall feel is very different though with a greater width to length ratio and more enhanced bottom contours.
200/70 Configuration is recommended given the extra volume as it is more difficult to cover the deck, but Can be built as 70/70 for those seeking the extra sensitivity or a lighter mat.
As the name suggests, the bottom of the compact, flat decked, streamlined Ubercat has a deep concave and rail hook giving it a completely unique, lively, edgy, almost skeleton-bob type feel. The pocket loving Ubercat is a highly specialised mat that loves steep, hollow waves, offering stacks of hold and exceptional maneuverability at speed and in critical situations..
The Ubercat responds well to being ridden off the tail with the emphasis being on manoeuvrability and hold. This surf mat has a narrow range then, but is the perfect mat for S-turn surfing and riding in the barrel in hollow, solid waves and peaky/wedgy conditions where other mats can be stuck out in the flats after the first bottom turn.
200/70 or 70/70 Configuration.
The 4 pontoon Nouveau Racer is the “gun” of the G-Mat range, being the choice for overhead waves, or heavier and hollow smaller surf. Tested in solid conditions, the feedback has universally been that this mat likes a decent wave with plenty of push to get going but when it does, it is really quick from the off, giving a very assured and predictable hold. The Nouveau Racer has been described as “feeling like it is locked on rails” allowing for more confident surfing in the juice.
The mat is relatively narrow and the 4 pontoon design reduces the overall volume making it easier to get under waves. The I-Beam configuration through the middle pontoons features 2 lower I-beams with a slightly taller central I-Beam giving a concave through the bottom and increased stability through the centre line.
200/70 configuration is definitely recommended and usually built as a wheezer to enhance stability.