
So this run is an interesting one with 3 people from fairly local to me getting a deposit in. Cue cries of "fix" but it really wasn't. I shift around the timings that I send out emails each time and I think this batch just landed right for them.

Anyway, this mat is the first of the ones staying local and is an RB-JMC built for South Devon surfer, James Borne who people might know as @fringe_devon 

I see James around our local spots and he has been talking about mats for a little while. Here's what he has to say:

So I’m very fortunate to have a few pretty decent waves close to home; one of those waves being Bantham - with its strong longboarding community. Mat surfing has been in my peripheral vision for years, with a few friends dipping in and out of riding them. But it’s only been the last few years, I’ve really begun stepping off the foam more and trying to pursue different types of surf craft as a way to avoid the crowds and alternatives to get some speed and glide.

I can clearly remember a session a few years ago, at one of the local spots, G was out on his mat. I just remember how fast he seemed to be going on a fairly average day of waves and how much I was struggling on my chosen equipment that day. Decision made, it was time to explore mats. With that, Tiddler is here.
— James Borne
G-Mat 284 RB-JMC Surfmat for James Borne 70/70 free-breather called Tiddler

And yes this mat is named Tiddler! Named after Jamie's kid's favourite bedtime book (that time of day really is magical as a parent).

We talked about design and James was keen to jump straight in with a 70/70 RB-JMC. Tiddler is. A free-breather with negative elastic rocker so James really is going all out from the off. Fair play! He's also gone for a bungee for the wave pool option. After the last couple of summers we've had that's not a bad idea.

James stopped by to pick up Tiddler and is looking at an outing in local onshore junk tomorrow. I'm excited to hear how he goes!

Have fun and let's get a few waves mate!




Say hello to a G-Mat RB-JMC built for Poem Surf craft shaper, Jimmy O’Brien.

Jimmy hails from Far Rockaway in New York and is a skilled mat surfer so came with a clear sense of what he was after. I always enjoy building mats for people who build surf craft. I really enjoy building mats for everyone but it is fun to talk through the concepts behind mats and the hydrodynamics with someone who spends their days thinking about it.

Jimmy came up with the name "Football" for his mat. Here why:

Okay G, I’ve been thinking about this all day. I’m really proud to say that my wife and I are expecting a child, and we just found out yesterday that it’s a girl. I am absolutely thrilled and can’t wait to be a girl-dad. Up to this point we didn’t know what we were having, and we hadn’t really told anyone besides close family, so we referred to her as “Football” as a sort of code word and because, quite frankly, we had no idea what the hell to expect! Well, that moniker isn’t really necessary now, but we’ve grown quite fond of it anyways, so in honor of our daughter-on-the-way, I’d like to name the mat Football. Mat surfing has brought me immense joy—pushing me to unlearn things, relax, and embrace subtlety and nuance over brute strength and flash. I have a feeling fatherhood is going to be much the same. I hope the name will remind me to relax, soften myself, and keep my eyes open to whatever lies ahead—whether it’s riding a wave or living the life I am so blessed to have.
— Jimmy O'Brien

Beautiful stuff. Congratulations Team OB!

So back to Football the Surfmat, the mat is a 70/70 RB-JMC with negative elastic rocker. We settled on a free-breather in the end as Jimmy surfs some bumpy waves at times so the slight restriction compared to the super-free will help the mat keep its shape.

That said, this is still a free-breather and football will be a super-sensitive fast ride that will get down the line quick!

I can't wait to see Jimmy and Football in the water.



He’enalu Ma Ka Lewa

Say hello to He’enalu Ma Ka Lewa, a G-Mat RB-JMC built for Steve Fox over in New South Wales, Straya.

Steve is a mat rider with many years experience so I was stoked to be able to build him a mat. He has been riding a mat with heavier deck material for some time so we agreed that a 200/70 would be a good fit, especially considering Steve in a pretty tall fella so has a bigger mat. When scaling mats up, every dimension increases but fabric weight doesn't. Therefore a 200/70 big mat will feel lighter and more maleable that a small mat with the same deck material.

Steve says:

Another mat heading to Ulladulla on the South Coast of New South Wales. This is the epicentre of mat riding in Australia. On any good morning there can be up to 13 mats riders out together thanks to SCUMM and the likes of Pat and Pete et al.

I’ve come full circle in my surfing journey. Starting on the old red and blue surfmat as a kid in the 70’s and now for the past 11 years mat riding again. In between I have ridden surfboards from 6ft shortboards to 12ft Gliders, SUPS,and later in life paipos bellyboards and handplanes. When it comes to surfing the old saying “why stand when you can lie down” is so true. The fact that my hips, knees and back don’t work so well may have something to do with it also. So if your going to surf, do it lying down, and if you going to be lying down, do it on a surf mat, and the you will discover the true ‘Nirvana’ of surfing. He’enalu Ma Ka Lewa - surfing on air

I chose orange for the mat so that it is easier to find when lost. black ones are hard to find amongst rocks. The bungee is so it can be used in wave pools where a leash is required.
— Steve Fox

Wise words from Steve. We also need to remember that the most evolved aquatic creatures are prone. Unless you want to be a seahorse of course ;) #thisisajoke

So back to He’enalu Ma Ka Lewa and we know where it got it's name now. Steve went for free rocker and free-breathing internal venting to make things responsive and flexible.

I'm really stoked to send a mat down to Oz. I was stoked to see that my courier have reduced shipping rates again too so makes it much more affordable.

Have fun Steve. Can't wait to see what you get up to on your journey of discovery.




So then first build of this run and this is a mat for Dom Davenport.

Dom has an RB-JMC already and was keen to think about how best to add to the quiver. After some discussion weighing up the benefits of an Ubercat or Nouveau Racer we settled on the latter (Dom has a 4GF @4thgearflyer Lotus Blue Streak so has that area covered).

With a trip to surf Moroccan points on the horizon the Nouveau Racer is the perfect addition. To be honest, the Nouveau Racer is the perfect partner to the RB-JMC anyway. There's a bit of overlap between the two and the Nouveau Racer extends the scope handling bigger and more critical waves better.

So onto this mat and Dom has named it Ziran which means "to push away outside influence and embrace one's authenticity, while living natural, spontaneous, and free".


Ziran is a 200/70 Wheezer built with free elastic rocker. Dom asked for a bungee for a leash. We are both in agreement that leashes are an absolute P in the A and should never substitute good form and keeping hold of the mat but some of those swims in Morocco can be pretty long and/or sketchy so nice to have the option.

Ziran is heading off to hook up with Dom now so I look forward to seeing how things go.




Another between runs build, this time for my partner in deflation, Tom Jennings.

With the winter nearly upon us and some solid Autumnal swells lighting up the South West UK, Tom was keen to score a G-Mat Nouveau Racer. I had a dyed 70d skin (see pic 2) that Tom had his eye on and we decided to go with grip to match (as far as you can match fluro pink!). With all this flamingoesque blotchiness going on Tom came up with the name "Pinkoflage". Perfect! 🩷

Pinkoflage is a 200/70 Wheezer as is standard for a Nouveau Racer. Some of the North Cornish reefs have the kind of swims that would turn your hair white at size so we have included a bungee for leash attachment. We have also gone with elastic rocker which emphasizes the concave and and tightens driving turns on the rail. I'm looking forward to having a go on this mat!

I've made a start on the next run of custom orders now. Thanks to everyone who got in with their deposits.

Have fun Tom!



Starchaser 2

Here's a quick post about something of a Phoenix from the Flames (or maybe an Albatross from the Atlantic). I've just finished a run and before starting the next one bashed out a couple of mats. The first being this one and the second a mat for winter for my business partner Tom.

Onto this mat then and it's a rebuild of Ryan Kleinert's RB-JMC named Starchaser. Those who follow Ryan may remember he surfed a solid 10ft day in Maine and lost Starchaser 😩

Starchaser 2 then is a copy. Super-free-breather, pink as you like with neg rocker and Hestered valve . Starchaser 2 will head to Maine tomorrow so keep your eyes peeled for Ryan charging more solid New England bombs in hi Vis real soon!

Have fun Ryan!





G-Mat 275 is a mat named "Helga" built for French surfer Rocci Semmer . You might remember that my partner in lilos Tom Jennings ran a giveaway recently and Rocci won a custom mat build and his time came up.

Helga is a 200/70 G-Mat Ute. She's built with free rocker and as a Wheezer so a very stable mat and a total all-rounder. Oh and sexy black on black!

Rocci gave me a few words:

Surfing has always held a special allure for me, thanks to the pioneering spirits who have shaped the way of expressing themselves over the years. As I stand on the expansive coastline of the south-west of France, gazing out at the endless horizon, I feel a deep connection to the ocean and its rhythmic waves. It’s in this picturesque setting that my journey into the world of surf mats began.

The south-western coast of France, with its pristine beaches, reefs and powerful swells, serves as the perfect backdrop for my exploration of alternative wave-riding experiences. While traditional surfing is undoubtedly exhilarating, I’ve long been fascinated by the diversity of riding styles that the ocean offers. Surf mats, with their unique blend of simplicity and grace, have captured my imagination.

I find myself in a world of tranquility and freedom, imagine to find an almost meditative quality to riding a mat – a connection with the water that’s more intimate than any other form of surfing. The sensation of gliding effortlessly atop the waves, propelled by the natural energy of the ocean, is nothing short of enchanting.

With every ride, I discover new nuances of the ocean’s power and the art of balancing on it. It’s a journey of self-discovery, patience, and a deep respect for the sea.

In the south-west of France, where the surf culture runs deep and the waves are both formidable and inviting, I’ve found my playground. Exploring the world of alternative surf crafts here has not only enriched my connection to the ocean but also deepened my appreciation for the legacy of surf pioneers. As I continue to explore the way of riding waves, I can’t help but feel like a part of that timeless lineage, contributing to the ever-evolving story of surfing in my own unique way.

Thanks Graeme Webster for that beautifully handmade custom mat.
— Rocci Semmer

Sounds like Rocci is pretty open minded & that's great to hear. I've seen the wave he has in mind for a debut surf and it's mouth watering!

Have fun Rocci!



G-Mat 275 AKA "Helga". A 200/70 G-Mat Ute for Rocci Semmer